It’s 2010! Guepa!
2010: the books to look out for
I saw a commercial for The Rock’s new movie “Tooth Fairy” and I’m just embarrassed for him, for us, for everyone involved. What happened Duane?
From Spotify to Bookify: how playlists could revolutionize the books market
Remember last year when there was a lot of focus on what exactly “Hispanic” was? Well here’s an article about what defines “whiteness”: The Dark Side of White —
Pretty ironic: The Bible among most shoplifted books in the US
I’m considering taking a Spanish Economy course or joining a Spanish book club to brush up on my skills, churn those mental gears and meet new cool folks. Both are free, how cool is that?
Forecasts: Latinos and Social Media in 2010 and Latinos come to a political and social crossroads in 2010
January through March are the months I struggle with the most. I get cabin fever. I start resenting the effort the layering of clothes takes. I dislike the cold & snow, it’s hard for me to get and go but eentually it’s worth the reawakening that comes out when Spring springs. Yay Spring!
Participate in the THREE-KINGS DAY ONLINE TOY DRIVE & FUNDRAISER: Make a toy donation by sending new, unwrapped toys to: The Children’s Aid Society -105 East 22nd St. Please use codename: LATISMTOYDRIVE. Toy donations will be accepted until January 4th, 2010.
Learn about Isabel Gonzalez: Gonzales v. Williams, 192 U.S. 1 (1904)