Web News

Latin American films that made it to the Academy Awards shortlist for the top foreign film at ourlatinamerica

The Latin American Review of Books calls Mexico Unconquered: Chronicles of Power and Revolt by John Gibler the one book about Latin America you should read this coming year.

Liza’s look at the grossly incomplete Latino Blogosphere list from BlogWorldExpo

Brian Solis takes a look at Social Media and real business metrics on Mashable.

Latinos and the Culture of Anti-Intellectualism

I love the thought-inducing posts over at Sociological Images. Here are three of their latest good reads:
Guest Post – Jersey Shore: On Beauty and Not Even Looking Italian,
Adultifying Kids in a Mini Daddy Video, and
Contradictions in the Depiction of “Plus-Size” Model Crystal Renn

Humorous: Relationship Dealbreaker >> You steal books from the public library

On a sadder note: Which City Has the Most Depressing Local News?

Latest censorship news: A Dictionary gets Banned in a school – the rest of the world laughs at us and
The Texas Board of Ed. Confuses Authors of ‘Brown Bear,’ with ‘Ethical Marxism’

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How DNA, Haplogroups, and Genetic Markers Reveal Taíno Heritage

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Unearthing the Invisible in Ben Brisbois’ Banana Capital: Unpeeling the Layers of Capitalism and Racism

The banana. Simple, ubiquitous, and unassuming. Yet, as Ben Brisbois reveals in his forthcoming Banana Capital, it’s anything but ordinary. …

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Ditching The Algorithm: Why I Joined Bluesky (And You Should Too)

For years, social media has been both a megaphone and an equalizer, a place where anyone can share art, advocate …

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Latina/o Bloggers, Content Creators, Influencers: This Is Your Year

The Latina/o Bloggers Group is back and ready to uplift you. Join the community to tap into resources, connect with like-minded creators, and be part of something bigger than just a platform. Let’s rewrite the digital narrative together.

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Nosferatu Reimagined: Mythology, Symbolism, & Storytelling in the Digital Age

When F.W. Murnau’s Nosferatu first graced the silver screen in 1922, it set the stage for a century of fascination …

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What Ancient Cultures Can Teach Us About Death, Technology, and Social Change

In a world where technology seems to dominate every facet of our lives, there’s something profoundly humbling about turning back …

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