Latin American films that made it to the Academy Awards shortlist for the top foreign film at ourlatinamerica
The Latin American Review of Books calls Mexico Unconquered: Chronicles of Power and Revolt by John Gibler the one book about Latin America you should read this coming year.
Liza’s look at the grossly incomplete Latino Blogosphere list from BlogWorldExpo
Brian Solis takes a look at Social Media and real business metrics on Mashable.
Latinos and the Culture of Anti-Intellectualism
I love the thought-inducing posts over at Sociological Images. Here are three of their latest good reads:
Guest Post – Jersey Shore: On Beauty and Not Even Looking Italian,
Adultifying Kids in a Mini Daddy Video, and
Contradictions in the Depiction of “Plus-Size” Model Crystal Renn
Humorous: Relationship Dealbreaker >> You steal books from the public library
On a sadder note: Which City Has the Most Depressing Local News?
Latest censorship news: A Dictionary gets Banned in a school – the rest of the world laughs at us and
The Texas Board of Ed. Confuses Authors of ‘Brown Bear,’ with ‘Ethical Marxism’
I would really like to read that article about Latinos/Blogsphere by BlogWorldExpo. Your link doesn't work though. Could you re-link? I'm a Latina blogger. I don't blog necessarily about Latino/a issues, but I have written about representation of Latinos in classic film.
I love your blog by the way. I've been a secret admirer for a couple of years now. I want to do that 25 books Latinas should read challenge.
Yes i am totally agreed with this article and i just want say that this article is very nice and very informative article.I will make sure to be reading your blog more. You made a good point but I can't help but wonder, what about the other side? !!!!!!THANKS!!!!!!