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FREE – Robin Cook’s ‘Foreign Body’ Webseries on ITUNES / Web
The 50 episode ‘Foreign Body’ webseries is FREE on Itunes & the web. This is a prequel to Robin Cook’s thriller ‘Foreign Body’ on medical tourism. On Itunes, the episodes are in the form of podcasts.Itunes: Just search for “Foreign Body” in Itunes and download the podcasts.
The book:
Episodes on Web:
Authors pick 2008 favorite Latino books offers January 2009 calendar
Each month, the Calendar offers quick classroom activities, lesson plans, Web links, and texts pertaining to various reading–related and general interest events. Here is a sampling of the links for January. There also are links relating to other noted authors and events, and more. For further information, visit the website. The is a nonprofit website maintained by the International Reading Association and the National Council of Teachers of English with support from the Verizon Foundation, and in association with the Thinkfinity consortium. Visit the main site.
Miami Herald names Junot Diaz’s novel top literature event of the year
A Bookstore Comes to East Harlem: The book stops here: Neighborhood store determined to survive
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The eBook market has yet another new player: the Foxit eSlick $229 USD here [via Tech Digest]
Regarding podcast downloads of Robin Cook’s Foreign Body, they are also free on
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