– Small things, things that may be completely irrelevant to some, can have a profound effect on someone’s life. A white lie, words left unspoken, ignoring that doubt/anxiety in the pit of your stomach, failing to accept the falsity of someone’s smile — sometimes things such as these…well, they are all you need to know to clarify the bigger picture and put it all in context.
– Sometimes you walk with your head in the clouds because denial is easier that confronting abysmal fears but the only way to conquer what you fear is to grit your teeth and face them head on, holding no hands and shedding no tears.
– Terrible times teach you a lot about yourself, your capabilities and who your friends really are.
– Leaving home, transience and moving leave you feeling rootless but the lessons reaped are endless when it comes to what really matters most. Talk about new perspectives and seeing things in a different light…
– There are people you run across every now and then in life who are complete strangers but after a few hours of speaking together you genuinely feel like you’ve known this person your whole life. Cherish these “new” friends because chemistry and connections like that are priceless, cannot be replicated, or bought/sold in a box and don’t happen on a daily basis.
– Happiness is a choice, it’s contagious, and infectious. Of course, the same applies to despair. Choose what you will sow and channel.
Happy new year!
beautifully said Valerie! Happy new Year!
Sometimes you walk with your head in the clouds because denial is easier that confronting abysmal fears but the only way to conquer what you fear is to grit your teeth and face them head on, holding no hands and shedding no tears.
tell me about it!!
thanks for sharing, cheers to a great 2010!