While many online are pondering the gentrification of Spanish Harlem and are worried for the mom and pop shops of the area, I spotted the benefits of both stores right away: Places to Buy Books!
Both Costco and Target have book sections, and while Costco does require a paid membership to shop, the new Target stocks a wide range of books in both English and Spanish for all readers. I was thrilled to spot these at both stores on a recent shopping trip. And, I might add that I have never seen as much foot traffic through El Barrio as was seen on the opening day of Target, even through a torrential downpour the crowds rivaled that of the South Street Seaport.
Target had promised to “tailor the store’s merchandise assortment to include a generous selection of multicultural offerings including Spanish language and Ebony greeting cards, Gospel and Latin music, Spanish language books and movies, religious candles and a large assortment of multicultural dolls,” and it seems that they did a good job. Now if only they would amend their political donations…
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