Sorry for the Impromtu Hiatus

So it’s taking me forever to get back here and post, my apologies, I’ve been playing catch up ever since I got back and there have been so many times I’ve seen things to talk about and post here but just haven’t had the time. I do miss blogging and I hope my readers haven’t given up on me just yet.

Here are some of my pics, we never made it to Savannah but we did enjoy some lovely time on the Virginia beach shore. If you ever go down there you must, I insist, eat at Captain George’s restaurant. I swear the clams were divine!! I couldn’t get enough.

On to other stuff, God sure don’t like ugly: Thank God, she’s not a Latina
and what’s up with these T-shirts, offensive or funny?

– A new music video will feature Please visit for more details.

– Campaign to show support for Piri Thomas! You can learn more about the Save Piri Thomas campaign on the blog, Essentially, Thomas’ step-son is refusing to pay Thomas money from a trust he administers. The court has ruled in support of Thomas, but his stepson, David Elder, continues to appeal. On August 20th in LA there will be a hearing to decide if David Elder should be removed as Thomas’ trustee.

AOL Latino and True.Com Team Up to Launch Amor y Amistad

– Check out: Postcards: True Stories That Never Happened by Jason Rodriguez

– Want to keep tabs on your favorite authors and discuss your thoughts with them? Then you should sign up at

– “Are you aware you can get Criticas in print – FREE? As a subscriber to Criticas Connection, Library Journal’s twice a month newsletter, we know you have a professional interest in Spanish language titles.Criticas is published twice a year as a supplement to regular editions of Library Journal & School Library Journal. If you’re not already receiving Criticas, we’d be happy to send you a print copy of this supplement upon publication.Simply send an email to and we’ll put your name on our mailing list. Be sure to include your contact information (name and complete address). That’s all there is to it.”

– Voting for the 2007 Quills is open. Now is the time to cast your votes in 19 PW-nominated categories to determine the 2007 winners! Logon to and vote today.

– ”Juicy Mangos, the first ever collection of erotica stories written by and for Latinas, is out this week! It’s been a labor of love for seven incredible, award-winning writers, and critics and authors are taking notice. The book is edited by Michelle Herrera Mulligan, the co-editor of Border-Line Personalities: A New Generation of Latinas Dish on Sex, Sass, and Cultural Shifting, and features Sofia Quintero, Elisha Miranda, Mayra Montero, Mayra Santos-Febres, Yxta Maya Murray, and Adriana Lopez.

As best-selling author Zane says, “Do not read this in bed or your sheets just might catch on fire. It is that hot!” And it’s not just sexy: Pulitzer-Prize-winning-author of The Mambo Kings Sing Songs of Love Oscar Hijuelos called it an “amazingly well done collection of stories…not only a tantalizing read, but a deeply rewarding one as well.” So get out to your local bookstore or go to or and order your copy now! (If you do order the book, please review online. Each review and comment counts, I swear!)

If you are based in New York City, get your copy signed at one of the following exciting events, all of which are absolutely free!

1) August 15 Elisha and Michelle will be featured as part of the hot In the Flesh series! Here are the details: From juicy mangos to sex on Fire Island and more, August’s In The Flesh takes into the bedroom and beyond with steamy stories from someof New York’s naughtiest (plus a visiting guest from Minneapolis). Featuring John Blesso (Sharehouse Confidential), Perry Brass (CarnalSacraments), Catherine Lundoff (Crave), Elisha Miranda (The SistaHood), and Michelle Herrera Mulligan (Juicy Mangos). Hosted by erotic writer and editor Rachel Kramer Bussel (He’s on Top, She’s on Top, Caught Looking). Free candy and cupcakes will be served and authors books will be available for sale.
IN THE FLESH EROTIC READING SERIES. 8 PM., AT HAPPY ENDING LOUNGE, 302 BROOME STREET, NYC, (B/D to Grand, J/M/Z to Bowery, F to Delancey, ) Free admission Happy Ending Lounge: 212-334-9676 http://inthefleshread…/
2) August 16 Juicy Mangos selected for Las Comadres Book Club! Join us at Borders books at 10 Columbus Circle for a discussion on the themes raised in Juicy Mangos diverse, complex stories. Starts at 6:30 p.m. Take the A, B, C, D to Columbus Circle.
3) August 23 Are you an aspiring erotica writer? Come see successful, published erotica writers Rachel Kramer Bussel, Sofia Quintero, and Elisha Miranda for advice on how to write amazing love scenes and to break into the world of erotica writing. Michelle Herrera Mulligan moderates.7 p.m., Blue Stockings bookstore, Lower East Side of Manhattan at 172 Allen Street between Stanton and Rivington,
4) September 13 Watch professional actors perform scenes from Juicy Mangos at our book release party! Co-sponsored by Sister Outsider Entertainment. 7-10 p.m Lava Gina, 16 Ave C (betw. 7th & 8th Sts) – New York NY 10009, 212-477-9319 – f 212-982-0489. For more info about the events or the book, visit”

Get Ready for BlogDay on August 31st

– Now, I’m gonna go have some of mami’s sopa de reis and see if I feel better.

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