I knew someone who told me once that every once in a while he would go into the subway, walk to the very end of the platform, wait for a train to approach the station and just as it loudly pulled in – he would scream at the top of his lungs. He would do this until his head cleared and his frustrations were vented.
We live in a society that teaches us to supress our emotions, however unhealthy it is… Some people go home and break dishes, some people meditate… I love scary movies – the scarier the better. I don’t do rollercoasters and this is my only opportunity to scream – like a mad woman. Last week, I spotted some buzz referring to Paranormal Activity as THE SCARIEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME, now while I really do try not drink the marketing kool aid – every once in a while I get sucked in anyway.
It’s almost halloween and I do need to let a few wails and shrills fly (I’ve been close to emotional exhaustion lately) so I’m looking forward to seeing this
It creeps up on you and really gets to you because it feels so real. I screamed, LOUD! embarrassed my hubby, but ya know what, he was scared too, even days after we are hearing things, he even said it scared his inner child! It touches a huge fear in a lot of us, I know it did with me. SCARY!
I'm not one to go to horror movies these days — they all seem like comedies to me. But I have heard great things about this flick. So I will be checking it out.