Random Things About Me

I’ve finally succumbed to the pressure and although I was tagged several weeks ago here are my random things about me:

1. I’ve always taken really bad photos; with fingers on the lens, people w/o heads, etc.,. In 2007, as an attempt to be a true blogger and a better photographer – I bought myself a cute, compact digital camera and now carry it with me always. I think I’m getting better.

2. I have a photographic memory. I can remember things really easily by recalling the mental picture of it in my mind. I can recall definition of words by ‘seeing’ the image of the definition on the page of the dictionary for example. I also can recall what side of the book it was on and where on the page. It doesn’t work all the time though.

3. I’ve always been small for my age and one day on my way to 1st grade in a windy storm the wind lifted me off the ground. Luckily, an older teen spotted me and grabbed me and helped me inside the building.

4. I’m your typical native New Yorker: no driver’s license, low flying planes terrify me, I once had a serious cab habit, I get mad at Manhattan maps that end at 96th Street, I don’t do Central Park after dusk, and I have ridden the S.I. Ferry for fun.

5. There’s very little that grosses me out. I’ve owned pet worms, white mice, pet mice (that my cat caught & I rescued). I’m the person who pulls out the splinters in my family and I once asked my mom if we could give my dead fish an autopsy.

6. I bruise extremely easily. I’ve been bruised by people or things touching me. I wake up sometimes with bruises with the cat looking at me like “Yo no se, wasn’t me, I didn’t see nothing.”

7. I always had really long, long hair. In fact, I had never cut my hair until I was 13. My mom cried that day. I brought my hair home in a baggie.

8. I once believed that if you swallowed watermelon seeds a vine would grow inside of you.

9. I have an aspiration to visit at least one foreign country a year, every year. So far I’ve been to Jamaica, Bahamas, Mexico and the Dominican Republic.

10. I was 13 before anyone ever took me to a beach. I got sun burnt so badly I had blisters to prove it.

11. I started writing poetry at age 8. I also produced my own books with pictures and everything.

12. I wanted to be an astronaut when I was little and also a circus acrobat.

13. In the fourth grade, I wrote, produced, and starred in the holiday school show. I was Squeaky the Elf.

14. I’ve worn contacts since I was fourteen. I’m getting Lasik in March.

15. I can remember DJs spinning records in the school playground at dusk when I was a tween.

16. I’ve always wanted to be on Jeopardy and Larry King Live.

17. I was taught to write in cursive by my mom and I could write her name before I even knew how to write.

18. The first time I was asked to hand in a typed paper – I went home and cried. I couldn’t type and had nothing to type a paper on. Now, I hate to write with a pen and pad.

19. I like to buy myself flowers every once in a while. At least I know what I like…peonies, pink roses and exotic fragrant blooms.

20. I’m addicted to reality shows and networks. I can watch HGTV, the Food Network, NatGeo and other educational shows all day long.

21. I have really expensive tastes or at least an eye for them. I can spot a designer item in a thrift shop from a mile away w/o ever looking at tags.

22. The first place I ever took a trip to was Beverly Hills, California. Lisa Lisa was on my flight back home.

23. I think it’s all the little things that count.

24. I once had some of my school art hang in The Guggenheim Museum.

25. Cabbage gives me stomach cramps. I must have this cabbage-hating gene.

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