La Virgen de la Cueva
Los pajaritos cantan,
Las nubes se levantan.
¡Que sí, que no,
que caiga un chaparrón!
Que siga lloviendo,
Los pájaros corriendo
Florezca la pradera
Al sol de la primavera.
¡Que sí, que no,
que llueva a chaparrón,
que no me moje yo!
Remember that one? More Spanish songs can be found here:
Spanish Songs of Musical Spanish – audio samples of 10 Spanish songs of various length in RealAudio. interactive sound puzzle and at – lyrics of English and Spanish songs with guitar chords. via Teaching with Music
I first discovered this cool site that’s brimming with knowledge in late 2007 when I was doing research for AOL and it launched. Finding Dulcinea‘s guides offer readers more than 400 narrated guides to hand-selected, credible Web sites, presented in context, with insights and research strategies and it has guides in Spanish too. Consider it a virtual librarian. Keep the quest alive…This neoteric NY-based aims to end search engine fatigue with its manifest of web guides. Enter a search term and it will give you fine-tuned results distilled by its team of researchers from the net, who tell you where to look. It also divides its content into three subsections; i.e., web guides, beyond the headlines, and netcetara, which features entertaining tidbits and juicier subjects. “Finding Dulcinea” is a reference to the fictional, beautiful peasant queen who fuels Don Quixote’s quest in the classic tale. Sweet! Check out too.
Boing Boing showcased Nina Katchadourian’s Sorted Books project, which “picks books out of collections whose spines, when placed in sequence, can be made into a sentence or story.”
Look at your own bookshelves. Stack a story. Play Magnetic Poetry with books. [I thought this was cute and reminded me of when I passive-aggressively left out books on my desk to send some messages, like the The No Asshole Rule: Building a Civilized Workplace and Surviving One That Isn’t by Robert I. Sutton and Working With You is Killing Me: Freeing Yourself from Emotional Traps at Work by Katherine Crowley and Kathi Elster (so glad I’m there anymore]
Bloodsucking booksellers. Plans have been announced for a vampire novel trilogy by film director Guillermo del Toro (co-written with Chuck Hogan). The Guardian observed that del Toro “is set to tap what has become a rich vein of new vampire fiction . . . joining the current vogue for bloodsucking blockbusters.”
Del Toro’s effort joins “another epic, apocalyptic vampire trilogy published next year, Justin Cronin’s The Passage.” The publishing industry’s vampiric feeding frenzy comes in the profitable wake “of a bloodsucking bookshop invasion which is proving very lucrative to the book industry. From Elizabeth Kostova’s novel The Historian to Laurell K. Hamilton’s paranormal romance series Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter and teen vampire queen Stephenie Meyer, the genre is flying off the shelves. Bram Stoker would be proud.” ooh, can’t wait! Love Del Toro (he’s pure magic) and vamps]
Mark your calendarios, these authors are coming to NYC!
Junot Diaz and Lin Manuel Miranda
Monday September 29, 7pm
NoMAA Artist Salon, 3940 Broadway at E. 165th Street
Stephanie Elizondo Griest
Tuesday, September 30
Idlewild Bookstore at 7 pm, 12 W.19th St.(near 5th Avenue)
Wednesday, October 8
Book Culture at 7 pm, 536 W. 112th Street – Upper West Side.
Irete Lazo
Tuesday October 21
Nuyorican Poets Cafe, 236 E. 3rd Street
Wednesday October 22
Hueman Cafe & Books 2319 Frederick Douglass Blvd Between 124th/125th St.
Bill Santiago
Wednesday October 22 at 7 p.m.
East Harlem Cafe, 153 East 104th Street (Lexington Ave)
and lastly if you’re free on Sunday, check out the Open Air Book Fair:
The Housing Works Annual Open Air Book Fair give you then chance to sort through tens of thousands of old books, records, and CDs. Collect those hidden gems for merely $1 and then hibernate for the winter with your new stack of used books. There is also clothing sold by the bag. [note: date changed due to expected weather]
I enjoy your blog! Always pack with lots of great info!
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