So, I got back on Monday, fully tanned and wishing I had the money to live in the Bahamas…
And, so now as I watch Top Chef (yeah, I’m a closet, reality TV fanatic, shh!) I thought I would post some random ponderings?
Why was it as warm in NYC on Saturday (In January, mind you) as it was in the Bahamas?
Why do people not clap anymore when a plane lands or a movie ends? Am I the only excited cornball that wants to clap?
At what point did skeletal become fashionable and our country so conservative and intolerant?
When did it become okay to honor a wife beater and convicted criminal/celebrity with a street named after him in NYC? What’s next an all-girls’ school named after R. Kelly?,0,1354404.story?coll=ny-nycnews-headlines
When did it become cool to make products which you are compelled to buy and then put out a better one that makes almost everything you own obsolete six months later and then again and again? inot, impressed.
Is it possible to be burnt out from retail therapy? Do I just have too much stuff or am I seriously depressed? LOL!
That’s it for now.
It seems everyone is going to the Bahamas. Maybe it’s their advertising done in NYC Subways…I don’t know. I went last year but, wasn’t impressed as a place of tourism however, I wouldn’t mind living out there. It’s quiet and peaceful and lots of sun!