There was a time right before I was a teenager where I was fascinated with California, surfers, BMX bikes, Corey Haim and all things hot pink. Most of my time was spent reading library books or Sassy Magazine but a lot of time was spent watching TV and movies too.
Here are some of my favorite definitive movies from the 1980s:
Modern Girls – “Modern Girls was made in 1986 and is about three girls on an adventure through L.A.’s nightlife.” I thought when I grew up this is what my life was going to be like; work then nap so I could enjoy all night fun with roommates,…wild, clubbish nights…
Night of the Comet – “A comet wipes out most of life on Earth, leaving two Valley Girls to fight the zombies and evil types who survive.” I am usually terrified of zombies but there was something fun and cool about these two teenage sisters, who are so utterly different from each other, inheriting the earth and the, um, mall.
The Lost Boys – “Sleep all day. Party all night. Never grow old. Never die. It’s fun to be a vampire. A 1987 American horror film about two Arizonan brothers who move to California and end up fighting a gang of teenage vampires.” My sister took me to see this is in the theaters and I can still remember that it was a hot summer evening that night. It was so magical, it’s basically imprinted on my mind.
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