In honor of World AIDS Day – Damaries Cruz’s story:
How do you think you were infected?
I know how I was infected — it was by my fiancé at the time. I met him and I asked him if he was positive, if he ever tested, and he said, “Yes, I’m negative.” Then I started to have a lot of yeast infections for a whole year, vaginal infections. The doctor thought that I had cancer and he said, “Go and get tested for cancer. Do a biopsy, because I’m sure you have cancer. Do HIV just to rule it out.” The biopsy came back negative and the HIV test came back positive.
When I went home and I told my fiancé, he said, “I knew I was going to take someone with me. I never thought it was going to be you.” He knew all along that he had it!
המאמר טוב
Did you marry him?