– Listen to the “Release Your Inner Loca” podcast by
Latina work and life coach, Nancy Marmolejo: http://www.innerloca.blogspot.com
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From the Catalina Magazine Newsletter:
Latina Author, Lara Rios Offers At-risk Girls Hope, and Invites You to Join Her
Lara Rios is an author on a mission. The nationally- published writer is not only challenging Latina at-risk girls in her new thought-provoking novel, Becoming Americana, but she’s taking her powerful message on the road too.
Starting this month, Rios will be motivating young women at Latina events, colleges, book stores and more. “I think it’s important to provide help and opportunities to young people who may not have many advantages,” Lara explains.
“We all benefit as a society by making sure our youth do well and reach their potential.”Lara invites you to join her mission by getting involved with organizations that support at-risk girls.
Her favorite groups include: The Women’s Sports Foundation’s GoGirlGo program, Junior Achievement, Stand Up, and America’s Promise, and the Why Try Organization.
For more information, including links and tips, visit Lara’s new web site for at-risk girls www.TheVibeKids.com or http://www.lara-rios.com/.