
Yeah, it’s been a while since I posted I know – but I’ve been busy. So let’s just keep it moving… Here’s a round up of things I’ve been meaning to share:

Jodi Picoult on White Male Literary Darlings

Will East Harlem’s La Marqueta Rise Again?

The ten top paid authors
Great round up of Chicano activism book picks

Deep essay on music as a spiritual experience: Brad Mehldau writes on “Coltrane, Jimi Hendrix, Beethoven and God,” filtered through the lens of German authors and philosophers.

James De La Vega Closed Up His Shop

Photo Essay: People reading books all over the world.

Flavorpill’s Required Viewing: 10 Essential Hip-Hop Films

More charges of sexual abuse have emerged from T. Don Hutto, a Texas immigration detention center that held men, (sometimes pregnant) women, and children until 2009 and now holds about 500 women.(via Colorlines & Postbourgie)

New York magazine lists 20+ most anticipated books of the fall.

Robert Rodriguez‘ “Machete” comes out this week.

A Latin food-inspired vegan cookbook, anyone?
Viva Vegan!

Love these:

What the F**k is Social Media NOW?

Surrealistic self-portraitist and all around kick-ass Frida Kahlo is the new face of Mexican money.

Wow: Author A.S. Byatt claims the Orange Prize is sexist

Sex and Sidi: An Urban Lit Author in Harlem

20 Interesting Things: Augmented Reality

Gustavo Arellano, who writes the nationally syndicated “Ask a Mexican” column, has been named managing editor of the OC Weekly.

On the rise and fall of Modern art:
The Mona Lisa Curse

The Phantom Tollbooth, or, The Democratizing Principle of Literature

A Free Program Rich in Afro-Latino Culture, Film and the Arts is Newly Offered in El Barrio


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