Blowing A Gasket

You know maybe it’s the Sicilian blood in me, perhaps the Puerto Rican or maybe I was endowed with a fierce (read: deadly) combination of both. I hate to perpetuate stereotypes, but in this case – it’s true. Mammajamma has a bad f’ng temper, the weird thing is that most of the time I’m so docile, passive, and sweet but certain things make my blood boil.

Which makes me think of the maxim “blowing a gasket,” I tried to google its origin but had no luck, but itsn’t it so delightfully visual, that expression? Well, I have to be careful that I don’t ever get hypertension, I mean being Hispanic, what are the chances right? LOL! Anyway, sometimes I get so angry, I literally shake or see red, or get a pounding headache. Literally! Not good!

I really need to get back into yoga, and let no man tear me asunder from my peace. My talented older sis, who’s a NYC teacher in an elementary school, tells me that she tells her students to “save the drama, for their mamma!” Love it! like seriously, take that sh*t elsewhere, it’s not welcome here!

Anyway, on some good notes, I have to share:

Gabriel Garcia Marquez celebrated his 80th birthday yesterday and “told friends that he has begun writing his second volume of memoirs”–a happy contrast to his statement last year that he had “run out of gas” for writing. The report comes not from Marquez himself, but friend and collaborator Plinio Apuleyo Mendoza.

Read more here:,1,6987302.story?ctrack=1&cset=true

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